Alex in: NeighbourHood Cyber Snoop 'Unit' Targets the Mysterious Pumpkin Company & Now, One of Their Pretty Little Ops is Feeling Their EXTREME WRATH! – Borderland Bound nude bondage gagged women
Heavily stuffed up and wrapped senseless, the little spitfire, packaged pretzel-style, is quickly hooded and locked down. The madman has already served time for blowing stuff up and his suspicious neighbours have decided they’re going to form their very own cyber unit and place a virus on his PC which will allow them to grab all of his passwords so they can see exactly who or WHAT is purchasing all. In fact, he IS, but this does not mean all of his minions. Indeed, one is here now, waiting to pounce! Having just begin hacking away,. Guess what comes next? Miss Snoop here is suddenly seized by a masked hench-type, decked out in Company, uh, mask?! He’s been watching her since. She must be bound and. None shall know she is up here in this wet room, and he has just the solution to keeping her especially quiet! With the ungagged (that sexy moist. He blocks her mouth up with thick cloth. The beauty. She can hear, faintly, cars pulling up. And, with that, the wildly struggling interloper must remain held and unable to