The bemused hikers, bound tightly with rope, their mouths also BOUND, with strong, utterly restrictive tape, gag fume and buck vigorously, cheeks bulging, eyes poppin’, shaking their heads at their returning assailant… who has trussed and silenced them - before realising the truth after unceremoniously searching their belongings! And, what IS the truth?? Incredible naked goddesses. Awwww, diddums… Anyway, chance has it they stumble across a remote cabin, which from the outside has seen better days, however INSIDE is a different store! Stacked with provisions and with running electricity, the girls are delighted to find all they need here to utilise while resting from the elements and then getting on their way… … however, the nutty occupant responsible for turning this place around has been stalking. Mumbling and raging, the babes mmmmppphhh a good deal behind. They are hopelessly bound and gagged and. Now, off with their sneakers, as this loser thinks they might have stolen items concealed in there