Quickly, she assists Mila with loosening hers too and the game is back on! They call frantically for help but are answered by the same menacing figure who put them here, and guess who needs gagging again, Ladies… Nosing around an old house known locally as Mysersely Haunt, two. Wide eyes, the freaked reporter babes continue to struggle with those damn-sexy gags over their mouths and mmmmmmmppphhhing away, to no avail! Incensed and unable to discuss it, the gagged girls writhe around on their seats as the fiend leaves them behind, helpless! With him gone, the ambitious reporters engage in a prolonged struggle, shifting those tied up legs around as they fidget and mmmppphhhh, eventually culminating in them slipping hose gags… only to be caught shouting for help and gagged again, even. His instructions are now to call their. These crooks sure do know how to turn a situation to their profit! Meantime, about that. After some heady gag communicating, they’re to be found once more thrashing around, skirts riding high, flashing firm round ass cheeks aplenty as they. Seething with ill-contained contempt for their whole capture deal, the girls thrash around and gag talk a lot, which is all we could reasonably. Indeed, they are helpless, rendered useless and squirming on. These two are quiet a handful when not. Especially when it is announced they hall be. Will their publisher, Edward Manthrax pay up, or will these