Hugely gagged, insanely restrained, her luscious tits out and squeezed, the overpowered agent is locked. So, what now? (Producer’s Note:) This one caught our eye again and here it is, upscaled, re-packaged, re-edited and also including another ferocious (the struggling in this is typical ‘all cylinders’. We threw it is as a bonus, for. As soon as he has gone, its foot time as the incredible struggler shakes off her heels and has a whale of a time getting. Now, how about one intensely arousing and quite Herculean power struggle all hogtied, barefoot, toe tied and mega gagged to really showcase young Beth’s prowess as a. As she thrashes about in as many positions as she can manage, the sensational girl demonstrates again and again while she is one. Damn, did we mention how brutal it is?? Good luck, Beth, your jaw is gonna ache tomorrow! ***All productions (video & images) & associated bondage scenarios depicted are strictly of a role play and story driven nature and feature fully consenting participants aged over 18 and established safe signals (clearly defined within each fantasy scene) between model(s)