Unable to reason the escaping robber, our burgled young lovelies are stashed out of the way, bound and gagged on Tamara’s bed, shut away in her room! Trussed and helpless, ballgagged and now with torn t-shirts tied over. Earlier, they’d been caught, thinking he was gone, scooting in. Enjoy! Two beautiful girls have just returned home early from an evening. Neither is he! Quickly feigning he has a persuader in his trousers (oo-er) the chicks fall for it. He helps himself to their hot tits and asses as they writhed, getting all roped up and even more helpless! They gurgle and spume around that hard rubber as he feels them up, lovingly, before leaving them to squirm while he continues ransacking the place! Struggling urgently in the bedroom room, the way too hot, tied up nude ladies are soon caught. What does this character have planned for them – besides cheekily. Indeed, the young Ladies have their very faces BOUND with t-shirt fabric