The humiliated beauties glare at their fiendish captor as he delights himself, a silent mime who looks strangely familiar, by taunting the heavily bound and gagged captives - with a bigass pink feather! The shinty, latex-clad goddesses buck hard at their knotty bonds and the things. Good luck, ladies, we are rooting for your cause, in our own, highly aroused way! Includes: One Terrifying Night for Latex Avengers as Mr Mohawk Gives the Orderlies the Slip & Becomes Their Worst Frightmare!! Plus: (Extensive Highlights only) from: Astonishing Goings-On at Winter-Spice Manor: Sceptical Latex-Protectors Overrun by Malevolent Elves of Christmas Past! It all began with a tip-off regarding the dark secrets an incarcerated inmate at McSwain Mental Asylum may or may not have entombed up at Wrigglers Ranch, an. Their demented captor is cramming their mouths with handkerchiefs before busying himself with wrapping their lower faces and heads also, to true cheek-busting levels! This is going to. They are feverishly working those seats and straining like crazy to detach any of those ultra-tight tape bond – to zero avail! Cheeks bulge and eyes widen in shock at the jumbo. The maniac is off no doubt… well, being a maniac… while the girls bounce and twist around heavily – and we mean it – bound up and gagged to their chairs, we catch them from a variety of wonderful angles and spend some really quality time. Clearly, both are in big trouble. The curvaceous blonde - her hot bouncy tits insultingly exposed - wiggles defiantly in her uncomfortably tight hogtie; her big, thick butt-cheeks arcing up into her pigtie rope as she mumbles incoherently into the. Finally, after an age spent spooking her inherited manor. She’ll pay dearly for rejecting his love-bombardments, and any tough lady-bodyguards she dares to hire, too, will feel his wrath! This Christmas, things are getting very,. The girls are kept bound and thick cloth cleave gags and wriggling around on the bed and in. The girls are unable to escape or make any understandable words with those gags, they can barely say ‘help’ but they continue to try and communicate with each other but. Now, the madman is assuring them of their dark yuletide faiths, leaving them